Writing a book is a solitary effort; at least it is for me. I have a story in my head that must find a way out through my fingertips. If I share any part of what I’m working on with someone else, I can only share the part of the story that is already written. To share more than that takes away the impetus to get it down on paper. It feels as if the heat’s been turned down under the kettle. However, once the story is complete, it is very much a collaborative effort that involves my sister, my agent, and most especially my editor. In the case of This Gun for Hire, I was aware that something was not quite right with the manuscript that I delivered, but I could not put my finger on it. I find it difficult to edit myself, and that is when an editor’s critical eye is welcome. Well, not exactly welcome, but once I get over myself and can hear the suggestions, it is an interesting and even exciting process. With this particular manuscript, the editing mostly involved stripping away incidental and unnecessary dialogue. Taking words out of the mouths of my characters is not an easy thing to do. After all, they were talking to me. Still, when all was said and done, This Gun for Hire was improved for the collaboration. That does not mean I will find the next time around any less difficult. Gene Fowler (1890-1960), an American journalist and biographer, noted this truth about writing: Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. Yeah, it’s like that.