This book generated the most reader mail (or email) with a very specific question: Is there a third book? The answer is ‘no.’ It never occurred to me that some readers would find the ending of More Than You Wished as requiring further clarification. The ending of the book is closely tied to the romance that precedes it – More Than You Know. By the time the first inquiries about a third book started to arrive, I had already moved on to The Compass Club series and couldn’t look back. (Writing only a book a year has limitations, but the demands of my day job were such that I couldn’t produce more.)
I had to reread the book years later when it was turned into an ebook and (modestly) thought it held up well. By then I didn’t remember all the ins and out of the story so it was like discovering it fresh. Luke and Bria’s love story worked for me, and I realized Luke was the kind of attentive, compassionate, and sexy man I could still admire. I hope you find him the same.
I learned a lot more about trauma since writing about Bria’s ordeal, but in looking back, I think I gave her the right tools to work through it. This wasn’t the days of therapy, after all. Luke’s response to her revelation was important to me. Sometimes what one needs is someone to listen. Not judge. Not fix. Not comfort. Just listen…and believe.